Special Thank You to our wonderful supporters...

There are two ways of spreading light:
To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
- Edith Wharton
We have a new Donation Thank You page at our Facebook.
Please click here to view: https://www.facebook.com/feralpawsrescuegroupdonations/
Please click here to view: https://www.facebook.com/feralpawsrescuegroupdonations/
Thank You to those of you who donate anonymously.
And Thank You to those of you who continue to support our rescue on a monthly basis.
To those of you who are considering donating, you can choose how you want to do this: CLICK HERE
And Thank You to those of you who continue to support our rescue on a monthly basis.
To those of you who are considering donating, you can choose how you want to do this: CLICK HERE