Donate ... please...every dollar helps!

Your donation gift will allow us to help save more cats from high-kill shelters!
Our rescue needs help from people, like you, who believe that we can all help to improve the world for feral cats in becoming companion animals, or staying within our rescue forever-home. Also, it helps us save those cats that have so little time to live at high-kill shelters. Whether you make a donation today, host a future fundraising event, or become a volunteer, or get involved in some other way, you will be supporting our ongoing quest with the knowledge that you are making a true difference for today and tomorrow.
There are several ways that you can help:
- MONETARY GIFT: use our donate button at the bottom of the webpage
- MEMORIAL GIFT: can be made either in the name of a beloved pet, or in the name of a person.
- MONTHLY GIVING: these donation gifts provide a consistent, reliable income for our rescue.
- PLANNED GIVING: remembering Feral Paws Rescue Group in your estate plans is the perfect way to continue making the world a bright place for cats.
- CORPORATE GIVING: each corporate gift represents potential to fund all aspects of our volunteer rescue.
Other Ways To Donate...
Basic Needs For Our Rescue

Cat Stuff
- Wood Pellets (we use for kitty litter)
- Canned + Bags of cat and kitten food
- Cat Beds / Blankets
- Pee Pads (small, medium, large)
- Gift Card to Pet Supply Store
- Chewy Wishlist: CLICK HERE

General Cleaning
- Laundry soap
- Pine cleaner (floor cleaner)
- Anti-bacterial wipes and bleach
- Paper towels + Trash Bags
- Gift Card for Grocery Store

Office Supplies
- Postage stamps (Forever Stamps)
- Copy paper - Pens / Pencils / Clip Boards
- File Folders - Whiteboard + Dry Erase Markers
- Gift Card to Office Supply Store
- Laptop - PC Computer (gently used)
- Office furniture
FUNDRAISING: Pick. Click. Give.
We have created a wonderful group of opportunities for raising funds for our rescue. CLICK HERE Options will continue to grow, and there may be more ways that you will want to be a part of our continuing effort to help save more kitties to leave shelters and certain death, so that we can give them a second chance at being adopted to a new safe and loving forever home! We need your help to do that. We thank you for continuing to support Feral Paws Rescue Group.

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